SUMMER DAY CAMPS 2024 click here
Deer Run Wilderness Area (D.R.W.A.) became a new Allen County Parks facility for program offerings during the summer of 2013. This park is not open to general admission as it is program based only. D.R.W.A. is comprised of 107 acres of fields, a 10 acre lake, and deciduous and coniferous forest. The mix of forest and fields is about 50/50.
On grounds is a maintenance barn, a property managers residence, a 30 element challenge course, (which includes a 50 climbing tower and 100 yard zip line), and a 30 bed campground. The challenge course is fairly evenly divided into high and low elements.
The campground has 5 platform tents that sleep 6, an open shelter with electricity, and a heated shower house Camping can be on site in the campground or primitive in the deeper woods. It can also be off site while participating in a backpacking or canoeing adventure, which can range from day trips to weeks long.
A variety of outdoor education, adventure, and challenge programs will be offered through D.R.W.A.. All are experiential oriented which is hands-on and learning by doing! Many of the outdoor education programs already offered at the other Allen County Parks sites can be provided there also. The primary adventure programs will be camping, backpacking, canoeing, and challenge course.
The challenge course can be utilized recreationally, therapeutically and for team building in the corporate and sports arenas. In all cases the focus is on the fostering of trust communication, problem solving team work, and self-esteem!
If you would like more details contact Michael J. Gobert at 260-610-9909 or at deerrunwildernessarea at (please replace the word “at” with @ for email address)
- 107 acre facility – program based only
- Northeast Allen County off SR 101
- 10 acre lake
- Deciduous/Coniferous forest
- 30 element challenge course including a 50′ tower and 100 yard zip line
- Old Fields
- 30 bed campground (five platform tents sleeping six each)
- Outdoor education, adventure and challenge programs